Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Spinach Egg Pancake

Dice the spinach and green onion.

Put green onion, spinach, one egg, organic unbleached flour, a little sea salt and a little water into a bowl, mix well.

Put the oil into the medium heated pan.Put the batter into the pan.

Fry till golden.


Wednesday, October 20, 2010


My cat Vin Vin and my dog Wan Chan is meditating with me.

On top of Wan Chan's head is a little hamster. :D

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tuna Toast Hand Roll

Ingredients:can tuna, celery, whole wheat toast, seaweed, organic veganaise, sea salt, and black pepper.

Cut the celery into small pieces and put it in a container.

Put in tuna,  some vaganaise and a little sea salt. Mix well.

Grind some black pepper into the container. Mix it again.

Just like the picture shown above, place the seaweed, toast and tuna on top of each other.  Roll it.  Now you can enjoy it!


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Photos by Rachael on 10/04/2010

Megan, my friend.

My house

Megan's house

Me acting crazy!

Even crazier!

Wanchan is running away!

    What are you doing?              

Like the photos I took? :D              

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Japanese Style Fried Soba Rice+Spring Mix salad

Fried Soba Rice Recipe

Organic Ingredients:

  1. Soba 
  2. Brown Rice
  3. Frozen peas carrots green beans corn package
  4. Onion
  5. Ketchup
  6. Soy Sauce

How to make it:

  • Break soba  into about 1.5 inch pieces.
  • According to your package instructions to cook the soba and brown rice.

  • Dice the onion.
  •  A trick to not cry while dicing onion:1. dice the onion on one side of the stove. 2. turn on the gas on the other side of the stove. 3. Turn on the stove hood vents.

  • Add a little Camelia Oil.
  • Stir fry the onion till it's semi-transparent.

  • Add the frozen peas, carrots, green beans, and corn to the pan and stir them for about 1 to 2 minutes.

  • Add the brown rice and keep stirring and mix them well.

  • Add the soba and mix again.

  • Add some ketchup and soy sauce and  mix everything well.

Spring Mix Recipe

Organic ingredients:

  1. Spring Mix package
  2. Yellow and red bell peppers
  3. Onion
  4. Pomegranate
  5. Balsamic Vinegar
  6. Olive Oil

How to make it:
  • Put the spring mix inside a container.
  • Dice the onion and red and yellow bell peppers and put them in the spring mix container.
  • sprinkle the pomegranate.
  • Add some balsmic vinegar and olive oil.
  • Mix well.

This is the lunch I made for my family last weekend.

P.S. I took the first and the last pictures of this article and my mom took the other pictures.

P.S.S. Crayon Shin-chan likes the lunch I made,too. :D

Friday, October 1, 2010


Hi my name is Rachael.  I am 10 years old and in the 5th grade.  I have a dog, a cat, and 3 goldfish.  This is my first blog. I like cooking, drawing, and taking pictures. 

I took some photos for my cat, Vin Vin and dog, Wanchan!

Vin Vin is 17 years old, human age about 119 years old.

Wanchan is 13 years old, human age about 91 years old.

They are both lovely grandpas!

My mom took this picture while I was washing my dog, Wanchan.

After washing him, Wanchan went pee pee!